Thursday, September 07, 2006

My single life

I love being single, doing whatever I want, whenever I want, go out whenever I want :)
I have 2 sons from my previous marriage, now I'm a single mom of 2 beautiful boys, Ryan (9, will be 10 October 1st) and Eric ( 7 will be 8 January 20th).
Aside taking care of them part time, when I'm alone, I love my apartment, it's soo cool, just for me, I can pig out, eat fatty food, lay on the couch and watch movies all day. I love chinese action movies sooo cool :) I eat whenever I want and whatever I want :) yayyyy.....


Lise said...

Hey Jessie.. it's Liz from Twitter! New blog, huh? Great! I'll bookmark you.

Sitting on the couch all day watching movies? Sounds heavenly! I wouldn't mind doing that right now. heh

I signed into my blogger account to comment but my real blog(s) are at Yahoo and my own website. (people comment on this one but you have to be a 360 user to comment)
or (no one really comments on this one but anyone can)

lol Anyway, I hope you keep up the blogging! It's fun!

Daniel said...

Hi Jessie. It's Dan from Twittr. Blessings on your day!